Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Big Bang Theory

love these guys. never thot geeks are funny. heheh..addicted lah tgk series depa ni. sanggup tidoq lambat tahan mata tgk depa ni n gelak guling2. ngeh ngeh ngeh..

Monday, December 14, 2009

responsible people..wink..

at first..there's only 1 victim..


name : Syafiny Mohd Noor
age : 26 years old

then, there's 2 of them...


name : Natasha Mik'yal Abd Wahab
age : 26 years old

hehe..sorry gurls sbb lambat post pasai ni. owh, just for the record..depa ni sehat walafiat. xdak h1n1 k. time ni depa masing2 dok batuk. disebabkan depa ni bertanggungjawab, depa pakai face mask dlm ofis. bagus kan kwn2 i ni..heheh..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

open house raya Oct 3rd..

pic ni time open house raya posa/birthday mama..dah lama nak upload gambaq ni. suka la ada gambaq camni. the gurls semua pakai pink. hehe...the two boys patut pakai pink gak but depa tamau sebab depa rimaih nak berbaju melayu sambil bakaq ayam.

From left - Jerry, me, K/Ina, Azida, K/Wana. Behind - Nuli, baby Irdina and Reza. ni some of my frens yg sudi mai aritu. best sgt bila kwn2 sudi mai mkn2 tho masing2 ada plan or baru ja abih blk from mana2. thanks guys...

a happy birthday kiss..look at the little kid. she's excited. hehe..

♥♥♥ love you mommy♥♥♥

Thursday, December 10, 2009

sementara menunggu...

sedapnya makan asam ko sambil lepak tunggu time nak blk. heheh..asam ko ni kalo blend ngan buah amra sodap nih. kecoq ayaq lioq ku..slurrppp! heheh..

lusa nak p kenduri k/za. konvoi ramai2. syioknya..hehe..owh, CoNgRaTs KaK zA...!!! semoga bahagia dan kekal ke akhir hayat. amin..

camna la baby Aira lani. maseh tembam kah dia? k/min plak camna la..mesti makin slim shady gitu. aku ja makin dipam..huhu..

tatau la kenapa ngantuk smcm ari ni. maybe cuaca sejuk pas ujan kot. lani angan2 nak blk tidoq. tapi bila blk ja, jgn harap la nak tidoq. mesti x jadi punya. ralit main ngan Bewls n Pepper. kdg2 tu depa main mcm kena drug ja. lari piuw piuw piuw like nobody business. langgaq abih apa yg ada dpn depa. sabaq ja la..

xmas dah dkt. nanti nak p KL ngan family. jumpa adindaku si Hassanal Bolqiah..hopefully holiday kali ni pun best cam time pi PD aritu. kalo ada dart board lagi best. leh bertarung lagi ngan ayah. hihi..kali ni plan nak pi Sunway Lagoon. syiok2..tak pi lagi pas depa upgrade tempat tu. tapi fee nak masuk mahai (Dar kata). xpala, skali skala nak pi..x salah kan? hehe..

owh, esok dah fridae. bestnyaaaaa!!! x sabaq nak cuti sabtu ahad ni. tp x jln mana kot. simpan duit nak pi KL. (kunun..)

okey, time to go home..nak ajak Finy rempit pun xleh dah. maybe next time la nooo Fin..kita buat cam transformers kembaq tu. bwk keta sebelah2. hihi..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

♥♥♥ Congrats Yghulam..♥♥♥

♥♥♥ ~22 Nov 2009~ ♥♥♥
welcome baby Aira..may you become a good child and witty little gurl to your parents and big brother. can't wait to see you grow..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

sabar itu separuh daripada iman...

penah dgr tak perumpamaan "Guru umpama lilin yang membakar diri"??? well, for me istilah tu mcm kena ja..nak tau pasepa? tamau la cita panjang, sila lah baca...

so, kepada guru2 di luar sana, kuatkan semangat dan bersabarlah byk2. hanya Tuhan dpt membalas jasa anda..hanya org2 yg sabar saja buleh jadi guru. definitely not me. huhu..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

♥♥♥ Fridae, Nov 6 '09, Swensen's Autocity. ♥♥♥

the gurls wat surprise bday bash kat K/Ina ngan I. sgtlah hepi. thanks ladies..love you gurls so much. sayangnya K/Za kena blk awai that nite. K/Sherry ngan Dar pun xleh join. saya sgt sedey but hepi on the same time. its ok, maybe next time kita leh hang out lagi..aminn..anyway, ni la some of the pics I took from Nae's fb. maceh Nae for joining that nite. hampa mmg sporting. tu yg kami semua suka kat hampa..(ayat bodek siot..haha!!)

our fav little gurl, Indah..cheeky gila. rasa cam nak petik pipi tu pastu gigit2..abih la anak hg Tasha kalo dpt kat aku. pipi-less la dia jwbnya. haha..

our little hero that nite, Mat Pahim. malu2-tapi-mahu type. hehe..sgt cute bila dia sebut lana and ohoiiii dgn mulut kecik dia tu..eee, geram!

another surprise by K/Wana. Volcano ice cream. Yummy!! thanks K/Wana..semoga murah rezeki and awet muda slalu.

muka yang maseh cuak tak pecaya..hehe..pressie I ada dlm beg biru tu. nanti I upload the pic in next post..

group photo..missing from the pic - K/Za, Dar and K/Sherry..thanks Nae for this group pic..

thanks all for the lovely surprise partay. I am blessed for having you gurls as friends..we are more than that, we are sisters. muahhhsss!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

17 Again?? nahhh..

miuw nyer kasut baru..hihi..birthday shoes!! la la la la la..pinky and white..

♥♥♥ s.U.p.E.r S.t.A.r ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ size 38 UK ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ the twins..♥♥♥

♥♥♥ mommy bought this tee for me. hihi..♥♥♥

thank you all for the wishes..yeah,I'm 27 now and I'm happy. I'm blessed to be surround with love from my family and friends..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


hati berdebar pertama kali terpandangmu..
kilauan warnamu begitu memberahikan..
alangkah indahnya jika kau dapat kumiliki...
oh Savvy..!!!

ish, bila la nak ada duit lebey nak pasang semua2 ni..huhu..

** cita ni dah lama, but ari ni baru ada mood nak post entry ni,,**

Monday, October 26, 2009

di kala siang matahari terang benderang..

lebih kurang 3 jam lagi buleh balik. mata ni dah mcm kena gam dah. gam uhu. adoy la..sangatlah laloq skrg ni. kalo ada sapa2 mai suh sign surat wasiat bg harta pun silap2 aku sign ja ni. ngantuk gila..dulu ada gak didirinie leh ngadu kat dia time ngantuk. lani...??? huhu..didirinie, samapi ati ko tinggalkan daku. sob! takpa la..asaikan didirinie happy. hehe..didirinie posa arini. tadi dia sms tanya kami lunch katna. kami lunch kat awan. didirinies ckp dah lama dia x mkn kat awan. nak wat camna didirinie dah lama x blk, camna nak mai mkn kat awan..kan didirinie kan?? :D

nak kacau sarafiny lak la..mintak2 dia x tgh emo. hehe..


sgt lah malas. rasa cam nak blah blk ja half day. seb baek iman agak kuat jgk. keja farah, keja. this week kena mai keja 5 ari woo..cam last week keja 4 ari ja. weekend pun ada activity best. adoi la..lambatnya jumaat..huhu..monday blues sungguh arini.

Monday, October 12, 2009


This is hysterical. You have to try this. It is absolutely true. I guess there are some things that the brain cannot handle.

I could not believe this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon............ This will confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!

1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction.

I told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

heheh..benda ni dah basi but I'm still amazed each time I tried to outsmart my own foot. hah!

Friday, October 9, 2009

extra extra extra awai..

nak kena bgn extra awai..nak kena bgn extra awai..

adoi la..bila la mata ni nak ngantuk ni? huhuhu..bila time patut tidoq, time ni la dia ketegaq tamau lelap. Bewls ngan Peppy dah laloq but still dok jln pi mai pi mai..bestnya budak2 ni, tidoq lambat pun esok leh bgn bila2 time. bknnya kena pi skolah. not like me, huhuhu..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

♥♥♥ Pepper a.k.a Peppy ♥♥♥

10 quick updates on the lil kitty..♥♥♥

1) Pepper dah paham bila kita panggil nama dia.

2) Peppy dah x diarrhea dah. Alhamdulillah..

3) Pepper suka sangat ikut Bubbles.

4) Sebelum ni susah nak tgk Pepper tidoq but now dia dah reti relax.
5) Peppy tersangatlah manja tak kira ngan sapa pun.

6) Pepper kuat makan.

7) Pepper kuat poopoo.

8) Pepper suka minum ayaq masak ngan ais ketoy.

9) Peppy kuat shishi.

10) Peppy suka main gomoy2 ngan Bubbles.

so far Pepper ngan Bubbles dah jadi best friend. main makan minum semua leh buat sama2. cuma tak tidoq bertindan ja lagi. maybe tak sampai masa lagi kot. hehe..hopefully the kitties terus sehat and active cargas mcm lipaih kudung. kekekeke...

Pepper tak pandai tgk camera mcm Bubbles lagi. maybe in future dia leh pose mcm Bubbles.

Peppy suka lepak tempat Bubbles lepak. depan pintu, blkg tv, blkg pintu, blkg curtain..bla bla bla bla bla..

jenuh panggil n buat bunyi nak suh Peppy tgk camera. tu pun dia tak mau tgk betoi2..ketegaq sungguh..ikut sapa tah..

latest pic budak bertuah ni. i just clean up the table n pi dapoq buang tissue kotoq. mai depan ja tiba2 budak ni dah lepak best ataih meja ni. sabaq ja la..♥♥♥

jalan2 makan2 lepak2..

September 27 petang.. dinner ngan family kat Jusco Perda. takdak pic mkn2 coz time tu semua pakat sibuk membaham mcm harimau tgh baham kancil. muehehe..ni ja pic kami 3 bradik yg sempat di-snap time mama tgh bz memborong kat body shop.

biya yg sibuk pose muncung bila org sibuk suh senyum. heheh..

at last, ada gak pic kami 3 bradik meghenyeh disamping kakak bertudung kunin cayaq tu dok belek barang yg dia baru beli..

**ayah pi cari tali kasut and mama tgh pilih barang. if not cukup muka 1 family**

Monday, October 5, 2009


September 27.
superman rainbow miuw kena curik time jln2 kat kedai2 kat SP aritu..wuwuwu...dah la aritu baru ja letak butterfly sama ngan biya kat tepi rainbow (takdan snap pic butterfly dah kena curik) tiba2 dua2 kena cilok! cipan punya pencurik! takkan ku maafkan kau..huhu..sob!

**ari tu terpaksa pakai socks sat kat office coz sejuk sgt**

Thursday, September 17, 2009

dam dam dum..la la la la la la la la... :-)

rasa cepat sungguh posa kali ni. kenapakah ha??? kalo time kecik muda remaja tran tang tang dulu, bulan posa rasa lambattttt sgt abih. tapi bila makin dewasa ni (tak sampai tua lagi kay..heh..) semua rasa cepattttt ja. pejam celik pejam celik dah dekat nak raya dah.so, kali ni raya my sis yg pilih theme color. PiNk, oshkosh! seb baek i lurve pink. kalo tak, mau berasap tak suka..hehe..

so peeps, hows ur raya plan and budget and so whut not? hope everything fine. mine r sesimple yg buleh. hehe..tahun ni paling relax..

1) baju kurung mama yg cari n belikan.

2) jeans beli selai. tu pun tak plan. main blasah ja.

3) hmm, tudung nak pakai ngan baju kurung tak beli lagi..malasnya nak pi cari. bkn kemekut-kedekut, tapi sgt lah malas nak pi mencari benda2 baru ni. takdak mood nak shopping time posa.

jumaat ni nak balik tukaq curtain ngan ayah. activity wajib ngan ayah tiap2 tahun. sabtu balik kampung. raya kedua after lunch balik mai BM balik. beraya ngan family sebelah mama plak. tu la senario each time raya.
so, before tak sempat or kalut tah hapa2, Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada seluruh umat Islam walau di mana anda berada. balik kampung elok2. main mercun ingatlah anggota badan yg tersayang. makan biaq berpada. jgn main blasah sgt, satgi lain plak jadinya. and lastly, maaf zahir dan batin.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

♥♥♥ la la la la la ♥♥♥

tak sabaqnya nak cuti raya. cepat la jumaat. hehe..pastu horrayyy!!! owh sangat lah tidak sabaq..(sambil gedik2 kaki) anyways, here some latest update about Bubbles and Pepper. before and after..

Bubbles tgk dari jauh sambil buat muka garang/ endah tak endah / derk..tapi still ushar rapat..nampak tak Pepper katna? :)

the stalker..jeng jeng jeng!!! nampak tak Pepper? heheh..

bila Pepper tak kluaq dari bilik, Bubbles akan pi cari Pepper plak. tapi still maintain muka garang/ endah tak endah / derk..heh..

tu few days ago. lani dah bestfriend dah. hehe..

Bubbles : Bubbles makan makanan Pepper..Pepper makan Bubbles punya k..

Pepper :
okey Bubbles..hik hik.. :)

Bubbles and Pepper : nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum...cedapnyer!!

tu la depa. siap main exchange makanan lagi. pasni tidoq bertindan plak la jawabnya..hehe..tadi pun Bubbles dah nak start gomoy Pepper dah. sabaq ja la..ngeh ngeh ngeh..♥♥♥

Monday, September 14, 2009

Introducing...(drum roll pls..)

Little Miss Pepper..♥♥♥


blue eyes, white and grey in color with little black nose..

always energetic. mcm bunny energizer tu ja. kuat main sungguh kitty ni..

susah gila nak amik gambaq dia. tak reti stay still. ni pun kira the best yg buleh amik. red eyes pun red eyes lah..

Alhamdulillah..as for now baby Bewls and baby Peppy dah buleh kawan dah. took them less than a week to get along. cepat tu. baca kat internet some cats ada yg sampai 1 month tu pun tak tentu lagi buleh get along. anyways, need to make sure she's flee free before Pepper ngan Bubbles leh bum sama2. pasni jenuh tgk depa wrestling sama2 la..hehe..hopefully baby2 ni sehat membesar bagai juara. aminn...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Excitement on 090909!!!! ♥♥♥

source : www.cartoonstock.com

Finally..a new member in the family..will introduce her later. rite now trying to make her feel safe and comfortable around the house..will update soon about her. Insya-Allah...♥♥♥

**cartoon above is just as penambah rasa..hehe..**

Saturday, September 5, 2009

why owh why..???!!!

ni yg nak marah ni. brapa ramai dah dok complaint pasai tmnet ni. lembab lebih dari siput!!! nak drag page pun mcm dok bajak sawah cara traditional, seksa!!! apakah penyelesaiannya wahai tmnet??!!! tlg la jgn bg aku hangin satu badan. esok nak posa, tak elok berangin satu badan. nanti perut tak sedap, asyik ziarah toilet plak. huhu..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Batalkah puasa kalau titikkan eye drop dlm mata?

Bila tiba bulan Ramadhan biasanya akan timbul berbagai kemusykilan mengenai ibadat puasa. Ada yang tanya pasai contact lens, pemindahan darah, memasukkan ubat melalui lubang yang ditebuk kat perut, menitik ubat ke dalam telinga dan mcm2 lagi. Pertanyaan ini ditimbulkan semata-mata untuk memastikan ibadat puasa yang ditunaikan itu sah dan sempurna. Disebabkan saya pengguna lens yang tegar, persoalan ni memang selalu meng-confuse-kan saya. So, untuk pengguana2 lens yang lain, inilah jawapannya..

Memakai contact lens
Adapun mata adalah tidak termasuk dalam apa yang dikatakan rongga itu, demikian dijelaskan oleh Imam Nawawi di dalam kitabnya Raudhah at-Thalibin. Dari hal yang demikian, maka memasukkan sesuatu ke mata dengan sengaja seperti memakai contact lens di kelopak mata ketika berpuasa itu tidak membatalkan puasa.
Begitu juga menitiskan air titik mata pada mata ketika berpuasa kecuali jika diyakini benda ('ain) cecair yang dititikkan itu masuk melalui lubang yang ada pada mata itu, dan sampai ke kerongkong, maka apabila benda itu ditelan, batal puasanya. Jika diludahkannya tidaklah membatalkan puasanya. Tetapi jika yang sampai ke kerongkong itu hanya rasanya bukan benda cecair itu, walaupun ditelan tidaklah membatalkan puasanya, kerana rasa itu dinamakan benda ('ain). Hal ini diqiyaskan pembicaraan ulama tentang memakai celak mata ketika berpuasa.

source : http://al-fikrah.net/index.php

lega bila dah tau eye drops lens tak membatalkan posa. bila bulan posa ni, mata senang jadi kering and gatai. dok terperuk dlm ofish plak tu. so, eye drops la yg bley bg moist balik mata ni. alamok, teringat plak kat chocolate moist cake. huhu..dah2, satgi mula la pikiaq mcm2. huhu..

Monday, August 31, 2009


cepat sungguh masa berlalu. sedar tak sedar hari ni dah 52 tahun kita merdeka. cuma tahun ni merdeka langsung tak terasa. maybe sebab bulan puasa and H1N1. kenapa dulu rasa merdeka sangat meriah ha? i mean, bukanlah nak ada konsert nyanyi2 or parade bagai nak rak. cuma, teringat dulu macam mana gahnya rakyat Malaysia pulun tunggu 31 Ogos nak sambut merdeka. bangga dengan tarikh bersejarah ni. lani, semangat tu dah macam lenyap. taktau pi mana..sedih, mmg sangat sedih. kalaulah pejuang2 kemerdekaan kita dulu tengok keadaan kita lani..mesti depa rasa tak berbaloinya apa yg depa perjuangkan dulu..dengan mat2 rempit yang bawak motor cam pelesit bawak bendera. merdeka lah kunun. kita yang tengah drive keta ni pun naik takut tengok depa ramai2. hmm...

apapun, selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yg ke-52..semoga Malaysia terus maju dan dirahmati-Nya..aminnn...saya sayang Malaysia!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

meow? sniff sniff..♥♥♥

Bubbles ada satu peel where she loves to play I'm-a-kitty-living-in-a-cave game. she will snug herself under the comforter and stay there as if its her home/cave and that's her territory. sometimes she even fell asleep under it. so, to avoid from crushing her during sleep, Azida bought Bewls her own tent. can't remember the price but buleh tahan la for that size punya tent. kitty punya plak tu. mmg depa ni buat duit sungguh lah..ops, terbeletiaq la plak..anyways, here's some pics of Bewls first time mingling with her new tent..

the blue thingy is a mousie tied to the tent..

there's Mr. Mousie and Mr Ball..both tied to the tent..if not, tah mana2 la nanti benda ni ilang secara magicnya..heheh..

and here's Bewls sniffing her new red and yellow tent..hope you loike your new toy baby Bewls..


the empty chair..
don't know who's gona sit there..
1 thing for sure, i won't be the same..
i miss my friend..
her name is Darianie..

Friday, August 28, 2009


tu la..org suh makan, tak lalu la..kenyang la. lani kan dah kebuloq lapaq..wuwuwuuuu, pedih perot. sob!
teringat kat roti teloq tak garing yg tak brapa best tadi pagi. kalu dpt lani maybe abih aku kerjakan..huhu, kasehan roti teloq tu. kalu tak selamat dah jadi zat protein utk aku lani. adoi la..6 jam lagi nak berbuka. sabaq lah wahai ati..satgi kita mkn ayam naa..sob!

1, 2, 3..SuRpRiSeeeeee!!! ♥♥♥

Owh my God! I can't believe this..I didn't update the birthday bash azida n k/wana??!!! how can it be?? the ultimate birthday bash ever in my gang and i forgot to update it??? what's wrong with me?? am i having some memory lost or whutnot??? dang, my bad this time. my mind was too occupied with unnecessary stuffs i guess. so, here's some updates of the ultimate birthday bash 2009 (for now la kan..hehe)

first plan was to have the surprise partay at 1926 hotel. we planned this surprise about a month before the day so some of us happen to spill some of the important info to the bday gurls. to cut story short, we make a decoy bday bash a day earlier at Pizza Hut, Giant. Finy, Dar and myself went to Infineon to fetch the bday gurls during lunch time. they didn't expect anything. the rest of the gang went to Pizza Hut earlier to get everything ready.

as we reached the parking lot, i was so afraid that the gurls (azida n k/wana) saw k/za's car. luckily none of us did. haha..we went straight to Pizza as me and the rest are acting like we're hungry like crazee at that time. as we entered Pizza Hut, the gang shouted 'SuRpRiSeeeee' to the bday gurls. they were shocked i tell you. hahaha..it was a great moment coz God knows how difficult we tried to cover up our plan. huhu..ponin kepala bila igt balik..

anyways, here's some of the pics taken that day..

bday gurls blowing their candle..look at the flowers. those are from us to each of them. cute eh?? as usual k/wana would do her own pose by looking at the opposite direction from what had been told to her..azida ja ya2 act blowing her candle..haha!

they were thrilled getting their gift but in their mind, whuts this? i thot i've given other hints to them..why the wrapping like this??? well, we purposely change the gifts to one another. the blue paper bag is for k/wana and the gold wrapping is for azida..hah, we got you gurls rite??? hihi..

happy faces! glad you gurls love the pressie. k/wana's pressie is a cupcakes holder. she's been eying that thing for quite sometime. azida's pressie is scrabble. we definitely gonna play it babe.

group photos for the day. owh, btw..theme for that day is purple, white and pink. best dressed up for the day is no other than Miss Sherry Jacob. heheh..you rock lah k/sherry..!!

bday gurls posing in front of Pizza Hut. notice k/wana's shirt has changed. k/ina brought her the purple shirt, you know..to follow our theme that day. then she changed back to her brown shirt after everything finish..

the next day we went to 1926 hotel to celebrate the real surprise bday bash for the gurls. but of coz they didn't know. if not, it won't be a surprise partay, rite..? k/min and family, k/ina, k/za and tasha and family had gone there to check in first. however bday gurls didn't know that all of the gang is going that day. i went there with finy, dar and azida. on the way there, we had a technical problem and we had to make slight upgrade to our plan. we blindfolded azida to cover up the venue of the hotel. here's the pics of her in the blindfold..its actually her idea anyways, we only make her wish came true. hahah..

apek jaga depan ada longkang..lompat! lompat! lompat apek lompat!!

we did it!! we managed to get her in the room without making her fall into the drain. hahaha!!

look at the happy face. that's why we leave her like that for awhile..heheh..

then the gang came and crush the room. hehe..we didn't get the chance to snap any pic (i think) coz of the chaos and screaming we make at that time..so, bday gurl no.1 settle..waiting for bday gurl no.2 to arrive..

indah also excited waiting for k/wana's arrival. everybody is getting ready to shout 'SuRpRiSeeee'..

the kalut gang heading to k/wana's room..shhh, keep quite. we don't want her to hear our giggles..notice k/min is not in the pic. she's in her room. trying to put fahim to sleep.

knock knock! "room service.." we asked nae to act as a room service guy..then, surpriseeee!! k/wana jumped when she saw all of us in front of her door room. hehe..she really didn't got a clue we're there to surprise her...thanks to reza for his excellent acting. bravo!

group pic in front of k/wana's room. look at k/min and her baju kelawaq. hehe..each time preggy, baju kelawaq wajib kena ada..hehe..

that nite, we gave the gurls the last surprise. pool side private bbq dinner!! they were sooooo damn shocked! gosh, it was a relief and bliss to see their unbelievable faces..hehe, you gurls deserve it..after years being the mastermind for surprise parties, this time we actually get to surprise you gurls..

the pool side view scenery at nite..nice eh?

bday gurls that nite..azida and azwana..happy faces..

fahim with his favorite hat. he has the cutest baby boy voice i've ever heard..

the bbq buffet was excellent. tho the meat was quite hard..owh btw, this is what we call 'activity menapau'..hehe..

group pic!! geng batak + geng bas sekolah..only missing miss sherry jacob in the pic..

here's our most sporting and professional cameraman. without him there would be no beautiful pictures of us..(chewah, ayat membodek tahap dewa dewi nih..heheh..) thanks nae, jasamu dikenang..pasni kami blanja burger a&w naa..

best male actor goes to rezaaaa!!! he did an excellent job covering our plans from k/wana. btw, look at indah. this is the 1st time she met reza but she already clinging and talking to him. i think she felt save with reza..hehe..

last pic. the rest of the gang had gone home. we were the last to leave the hotel. everybody's smiling and feeling good..love that feeling..

love you all so much..may God bless our friendship forever and ever..