Bubbles ada satu peel where she loves to play I'm-a-kitty-living-in-a-cave game. she will snug herself under the comforter and stay there as if its her home/cave and that's her territory. sometimes she even fell asleep under it. so, to avoid from crushing her during sleep, Azida bought Bewls her own tent. can't remember the price but buleh tahan la for that size punya tent. kitty punya plak tu. mmg depa ni buat duit sungguh lah..ops, terbeletiaq la plak..anyways, here's some pics of Bewls first time mingling with her new tent..

the blue thingy is a mousie tied to the tent..

there's Mr. Mousie and Mr Ball..both tied to the tent..if not, tah mana2 la nanti benda ni ilang secara magicnya..heheh..
and here's Bewls sniffing her new red and yellow tent..hope you loike your new toy baby Bewls..♥♥♥