heard the good news from mama. congrats dear brother..u deserve it. all ur hard work is paid. mesti lega kan..hehe..
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah...
daddy was shocked..
mommy still smiling..
i'm proud of you..
little sis, well..she adore you as usual..
as mommy said to me just now, this is what you can get if you really put your heart into..
so dear brother..congratulation again. keep up the hard work and always remember God coz without His blessing, we are no one..
Lots of love,
**mesti mama ghenyeh ja ari ni..mesti ayah pun lapang dada ja..hehe..Alhamdulillah..**
Happy birthday Susi dan Kak Yasmin
5 years ago
hee..glad to hear that too! Alhamdulillah.. :)
adakah beliau mendapat result yg cemerlang lg terbilang ? niway congrats to ur bro ;-)
hahaha...tq3...adoi, xyah la letak kat blog kak oii...bikin malu saja~ huhu.
*thanks for ur support along.xdak family punya sokongan, adikmu ini tak kemana jua~~ Alhamdulillah...
aLs : heeee...alhamdulillah..
mik'yal : alhamdulillah..yg penting parents aku happy belaka..hehe..
MHB : kekekeke...saja time tu in the mood. heheh..apa salahnya kan..heh!!
confuse jugak mula2 baca....but selepas berkerut2 fikir which could be the likeliest condition, after eliminating b'day(tak sesuai), preggy (oh lagi tak sesuai..tapi gaya penulisan blogger mcm congratulate someone yg preggy pun ada), melamar girlfriend (uhh...blogger akan announce f2f kat kengkawan) exam lah paling, CONGRATULATIONS !!
muahahaha..saja ja kasi gempak sket. hehe..
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